
Understanding the Importance of Remote IPs in Kubernetes Clusters

In the fog-laden alleyways of cloud-native applications, Kubernetes stands as the master detective of container orchestration, unraveling the mysteries of deployment, scaling, and management. Yet, as the complexity of these digital cities grows, so does the necessity for meticulous monitoring and management. One overlooked clue in this grand investigation is the tracking of users’ remote IPs. Understanding and leveraging this elusive detail can be the key to solving cases across logging, security, analytics, and application performance.


Effective logging is the magnifying glass through which we maintain a vigilant eye on our Kubernetes environment. By logging users’ remote IPs, we can trace the origin of each request, much like Holmes tracing a criminal’s steps through London’s cobblestones. When an application encounters an error, knowing the client’s IP address is akin to finding a critical clue at a crime scene, helping to pinpoint the source of the issue swiftly. This detailed insight accelerates the troubleshooting process and enhances the application’s reliability.


In today’s digital age, security is as paramount as the integrity of 221B Baker Street. Monitoring remote IPs allows us to identify potentially malicious activities lurking in the shadows. By analyzing IP patterns, we can detect and thwart threats such as DDoS attacks, unauthorized access attempts, and other suspicious behaviors. Implementing IP-based security rules is like stationing constables on every corner, blocking traffic from known malicious IPs and restricting access to sensitive resources. This proactive approach significantly strengthens the security of applications running in Kubernetes clusters.


Analytics is the spyglass through which we observe user interactions with our application. By capturing remote IP addresses, data analysts can gather valuable insights into user demographics, geographic distribution, and usage patterns. This data is the equivalent of Holmes’ detailed notes, used to optimize the application, improve user experience, and make informed business decisions. For instance, if a significant portion of traffic comes from a specific region, the company might consider localizing content or optimizing network routes to enhance performance for those users.

Application Performance

Performance is the pulse of any successful application. Knowing the remote IPs of users enables performance monitoring tools to provide a comprehensive view of network latency, connection issues, and overall responsiveness. By analyzing this data, DevOps teams can identify bottlenecks, optimize resource allocation, and ensure that the application delivers a smooth and efficient experience to all users. Additionally, understanding traffic patterns helps in scaling the application appropriately, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and costs are kept under control.

In this blog post I tried to help you configure the cluster so that you can reach all the above by revealing the users’ real IP address to your application. Before we begin let’s make sure we know what we are talking about.

A users’ traffic journey to your K8s cluster

When a user accesses an application hosted in a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster, their traffic follows a specific path to reach the target pod. The journey begins when the user’s request arrives at the Ingress Controller, which serves as the cluster’s entry point, handling external traffic and routing it based on defined rules. The Ingress Controller then directs the traffic to the appropriate Service, which acts as an internal load balancer. This Service manages and distributes the requests to the relevant pods, ensuring efficient load distribution. The Service, in turn, forwards the request to the designated Pod hosting the application. Here, the application processes the request and generates the necessary response. This structured flow through the Ingress Controller and Services ensures secure, scalable, and effective handling of user requests within the Kubernetes cluster. As you can see we need the ingress controller to connect the cluster to the outside world, but this comes with a price.

The chalange with ingress

Most Ingress Controllers in Kubernetes clusters, by default, hide the remote IP addresses of users due to the nature of how they handle incoming traffic. This behavior exists because the Ingress Controller terminates the user’s connection and establishes a new one to the backend services, effectively masking the original source IP. While this approach simplifies traffic management and load balancing, it poses significant challenges for application developers and administrators. Without access to the true client IPs, accurate logging, user behavior analysis, security monitoring, and performance optimization become difficult. Developers and administrators must implement additional configurations or use specific headers like X-Forwarded-For to retrieve and preserve the original IP addresses, adding complexity to the system.

Why should you consider changing the default behaviuor?

Changing the default behavior of the Ingress Controller to expose the remote IP addresses of users can offer significant advantages for managing applications within a Kubernetes cluster. One primary benefit is improved logging accuracy, as access to the true client IPs allows for precise tracking of user activity, which is crucial for troubleshooting and maintaining application health. Additionally, exposing remote IPs enhances security insights by enabling the identification and monitoring of potentially malicious traffic, facilitating the implementation of more effective security measures. Furthermore, having access to real client IPs improves user analytics, providing deeper insights into user demographics, geographic distribution, and usage patterns, which can inform better business decisions and optimizations. Overall, adjusting the Ingress Controller to expose remote IPs can lead to more robust logging, heightened security, and more comprehensive analytics, ultimately contributing to a more secure and efficient application environment.

What are your options?

Several Ingress Controllers in Kubernetes support exposing remote IP addresses, each with its own features and compatibility considerations. NGINX Ingress Controller is one of the most widely used options, allowing configuration through annotations to forward the original client IP using the X-Forwarded-For header. It is highly compatible with various Kubernetes environments and provides robust performance and flexibility. Traefik, another popular choice, also supports exposing remote IPs and integrates seamlessly with Kubernetes through dynamic service discovery and automatic configuration, making it suitable for diverse deployment scenarios. HAProxy Ingress Controller provides advanced load balancing and supports client IP forwarding via the X-Forwarded-For header, but may require additional configuration for optimal performance in different environments. Envoy Ingress Controller, part of the Istio service mesh, supports exposing client IPs and offers sophisticated traffic management capabilities, though it is best suited for more complex setups involving service meshes. Each of these controllers offers unique features and varying levels of integration, making them suitable for different use cases and Kubernetes environments.

What needs to be done?

In my example I have used the Nginx ingress controller, if you want to see how it is done please reffer to the documentaion of each solution I mentioned previuosly.

It’s easier done that said :)

The required configuration needs to be done on the ingress controller. If you have used a this helm chart to implemet you Nginx ingress contorller you need to add the following to the helm-values.yaml file.

    externalTrafficPolicy: Local

And apply it to update your configuration.

helm [install-upgrade] --namespace nginx-ingress --create-namespace -f helm-values.yaml helm-release kubernetes-nginx-ingress/ingress-nginx
plese note that if you already have the nginx ingress installed you need to update the installation.

Another way is to edit the ingress controller service.

kubectl -n nginx-ingress edit svc <your-nginx-ingress-controller-name>

Then add externalTrafficPolicy: Local to the spec section of the service definition.

please note that this method is not persistent as it can be owerwritten next time you update the helm relase or update the deployment.

en voilà! You can now see the users’ real IP addresses appearing in your logs and application. If you are intrested to read more about the externalTrafficPolicy please refer to the doc here.


Exposing users’ real IP addresses in your Kubernetes cluster can vastly improve your application’s logging, security, analytics, and performance monitoring. By understanding and addressing the challenges posed by default Ingress Controller behaviors, and implementing the necessary configurations, you can gain invaluable insights and control over your application’s environment. The benefits of accurate user data and enhanced security measures significantly outweigh the additional setup complexity, making this a worthwhile enhancement for any Kubernetes-based application.